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Kent Art Law Society Constitution

Created in November 2020, Ratified by the Kent Art Law Society Committee 2020/2021.

1. Name

1.1 The name of the organisation referred to in this Constitution shall be the Kent Art Law Society (University of Kent Art Law Society).

1.2 All references to the Kent Art Law Society in this constitution shall be referred to as ‘the Society’.


2. Mission Statement

2.1 We aim to promote the study of art & cultural heritage law, engage with the professional intersection between art & the law and to promote visual art & creative literature with subject matters of art law.


3. Membership 

3.1 Full membership is open to all Student Members, in accordance with the definition of Student Members set out within the Articles of Association.

3.2 Associate membership is open to all University of Kent staff, Kent Union staff and alumni of the University of Kent, as well as any other persons as determined in accordance with the Articles of Association and Union Byelaws.

3.3 A subscription fee can only be set for standard student membership if there is no existing premium student membership provided for the academic year.

3.4 A subscription fee can be set for premium student membership and associate membership, which shall be fixed each academic year at the discretion of the Society.

3.5 All references to Members in this Constitution shall refer to those Student Members or Associate Members who have officially joined the Society via the appropriate process.


4. Member Entitlements 

4.1 Standard student members and premium student members of the Society are entitled to: 

i. Stand and vote in Committee elections.

4.2 All associate members of the Society shall be entitled to partake in Society but are not entitled to stand and/or vote in Committee elections.


5. Governance 

5.1 All governance of the Society shall be in accordance with this Constitution, Kent Union's Articles of Association and Byelaws, and all relevant Kent Union policies and procedures.

5.2 The Society, after its founding year, shall consist of a Committee of elected students, and its members.

5.3 The Society will host an annual meeting in which all members are invited.


6. Kent Art Law Society Committee

6.1 The Committee, for its founding year, shall consist of the following positions: 

i. President

ii. Vice President

iii. Treasurer

iv. Non-law Academic Officer

v. Media Officer

vi. Advising Officer

6.2 The Committee, after its founding year, shall at least consist of the following positions:

i. President

ii. Vice President

iii. Treasurer

iv. Non-law Academic Officer

v. Media Officer

6.3 The Committee can decide, via popular vote, with the President casting the deciding vote if there is an equal divide amongst the Committee to add a First Year Officer to the Committee who will be co-opted by the Committee.

6.4 The roles of the President include:

i. Running the Society in general aspects

ii. Hosting and chairing regular Committee meetings

iii. Ensuring other Committee roles are upheld

iv. Representing the Society at all times in matters affecting its interests

v. Organising academic events

6.5 The roles of the Vice President include:

i. Assisting organising academic events

ii. Hosting any academic events hosted by the Society

iii. Acting in place for the President when they are not present

iv. Liaising with Kent Union and Advising Officer where appropriate

v. Supporting other Committee members in their roles

6.6 The roles of the Treasurer include:

i. Taking responsibility in documenting and detailing finances of the Society

ii. Drafting plans for financial growth in the Society

iii. Discussing funding for the Society from donors

iv. Assisting the Vice President in hosting academic events hosted by the Society

v. Acting in place for the President or Vice President when they are not present

6.7 The roles of the Non-law Officer include:

i. Organising and hosting non-academic socials

ii. Supporting, representing and engaging with non-law students in the Society

iii. Hosting non-law academic events hosted by the Society

iv. Reviewing Committee proposals to ensure that they are adequate for non-law students

v. Liaising with the partnered non-law affiliates

6.8 The roles of the Media Officer include:

i. Collecting and designing media and graphics for the Society

ii. Overseeing the activity of the Society on social media platforms

iii. Preparing and distributing an agenda before meetings

iv. Preparing and distributing minutes after meetings

6.9 The roles of the Advising Officer include:

i. Informing the Committee on general student Society issues

ii. Supporting other Committee members in their roles

iii. Advise and not vote in Committee Meeting Votes

6.10 The roles of the First-Year Officer include:

i. Supporting, representing and engaging with first year students in the Society

ii. Observing and helping with the Committee

6.11 The Committee members, after its founding year, will be elected in accordance with the election procedures set out within this constitution and any other relevant Kent Union governing document.

6.12 The Committee is responsible for adhering to all Kent Union financial policies and procedures.

6.13 No member of the Society shall hold more than one position within the Committee.

6.14 The Committee may co-opt other Committee members where there is a vacancy, via popular vote with the President casting the deciding vote if there is an equal divide amongst the Committee.

6.15 Members of the committee can present Representative Candidates for selected areas which trigger a vote to establish specific Representatives for the society for the remainder of that academic year

6.16 Representatives can be delegated tasks and responsibilities by Committee members by consent of the President or Vice President.

6.17 No member of the Society shall hold more than one position as a Representative.

6.18 No Committee Member may be a Representative at the same time.

6.19 Committee Meetings may have votes recorded from members who are ‘absentia’ if it is sent via an instant messaging platform or written note.


7. Finance 

7.1 All financial matters shall be resolved in accordance with Kent Union's financial procedures.

7.2 Confirmation of expenditure or withdrawal of money from Society accounts must be signed off by a Kent Union member of staff.

7.3 Neither the Society nor Kent Union accepts any liability for any debt or other obligation incurred by any of its Committee members or other members, whether or not it is incurred on behalf of the Student Group.

7.4 The Society must affiliate with two committee majority-selected charities who will be benefactors of charitable work and fundraising.

7.5 The charities elected as affiliates to the Society must be equally divided amongst law-based charities and art-based charities.


8. Interpretation 

8.1 In the event of a dispute as to the interpretation of any part of this Constitution, if not brought up or involving the Society President, the ruling of the President shall be sought.

8.2 In the event of a dispute, as to the interpretation of any part of this Constitution, if not brought up or involving the Society President, the ruling of the Vice President (Student Engagement) shall be sought.

8.3 In the event of a challenge to the President of the Society’s ruling, the ruling of the Vice President (Student Engagement) shall be sought.

8.4 In the event of a challenge to the Vice President (Student Engagement)’s ruling, the decision of the Union Executive Committee shall be final.


9. Kent Art Law Society Meetings

9.1 Only members who have been in the Society for at least a month may attend the Society’s annual meeting in accordance with this Constitution.

9.2 Any member present at the Society’s annual meeting, may speak, when a suitable opportunity arises, or is granted.

9.3 Only members who have been in the Society for at least a month may vote throughout the annual meeting.

9.4 The President, shall have, if necessary, the casting vote in the event of any tied votes.

9.5 The quorum for annual meetings is thirty percent (30%) of Society members.

9.6 Minutes of the Society meetings will be made and distributed amongst all members.


10. Elections 

10.1 These election rules shall apply to all elections conducted within the Society.

10.2 Kent Union’s election rules shall also apply to all elections conducted within Student Groups.

10.3 Kent Union shall oversee the elections process.

10.4 The Committee shall be responsible for advertising the elections in advance to all members, including details of when nominations and voting open and close.

10.5 Only members who have been in the Society for at least a month shall be entitled to stand for any position.

10.6 The vote shall be held by Secret Ballot open to members who have been in the Society for at least a month.

10.7 Members who have been in the Society for at least a month may run for any existing position with the exception of Vice President and First Year Officer.

10.8 The position of Vice President will be chosen through the runner-up in the election for President of the Society.

10.9 The vote will be conducted by Single-Member Plurality voting.

10.10 Kent Union shall be responsible for conducting the count.

10.11 Any challenge to the results must be made as soon as possible following the announcement of results.

10.12 In the event of a tied vote Kent Union’s online elections system shall randomly select the winning candidate.

10.13 In the interim period before the next available election or bye-election period, the Committee may co-opt a full member of the Student Group into a vacant position.

10.14 If a bye-election fails to fill a vacant position, the Committee may co-opt a full member of the Student Group.


11. Resignation & Removal of Committee Members

11.1 Any Committee member may resign at any time by submitting their resignation in writing to the Society President, Society Vice President and informing Kent Union.

11.2 Any Committee member may be only removed from the Committee by:

i. A two-thirds majority of the Committee hosting a Vote of No Confidence at a Committee meeting.

ii. A Vote of No Confidence to be held amongst the Society where over fifty percent (50%) must vote no confidence in the Committee member in question.

iii. Only members who have been in the Society for at least a month may vote in the Vote of No Confidence.

iv. Complying with Kent Union’s disciplinary procedures.

11.3 Any Committee member subject to Vote of No Confidence shall be given the opportunity to address the Society before any votes take place.

11.4 Kent Union shall be notified three (3) working days in advance of any Vote of No Confidence and a Kent Union member of staff must attend to observe.


12. Rules and Discipline

12.1 Disciplinary measures may be implemented against any Student Group member.

12.2 All disciplinary measures shall be executed in accordance with any Union rules in place for such purposes.

©2022 by Kent Art Law Society.

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